Then this afternoon I went to the beach with my great friend Rachel, and got slight burns on my sholders and face from the wonderful summer weather that I'm finally being able to enjoy, at the beach.
Later, I went to bring my horse Victoria out of the pasture, and I put her halter on her head to lead her out. But she flipped her head over mine, which wrapped the lead rope around my neck, and took off. I immediately let go of the rope so it wouldn't get caught around my neck, but it was very long. It rubbed really fast against my neck, and caused a wide and long rope burn on my neck. Not the best feeling, of course. Thankfully, my uncle recommended neosporine and it eased the pain and has helped start the healing process.
Speaking of healing process, ... After all this, I went to another church group to Starbucks for a while. We caught up with one another's weeks, and prayed for eachother. I am soooooooo thank full for God's blessings for me and for my family who were there. It was incredible, as always, to feel the Holy Spirit working in all of our lives. This season that I have been going through all of summer, and even since before I graduated, has been an amazing one. I have been changing a lot in many ways, and I'm very excited for this up coming semester at Simpson. I have been growing in God's love, and learing to enjoy him like Mary did. The Spirit has been moving me and morphing me, adjusting the lense that I use to view life. I am thrilled for these changes, and I can't wait to share all that is to come.
Ta-ta. That's all for now
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