Tonight, about thirty students met in our small chapel room on campus. We worshiped our Lord, prayed for one another and shared healing and life testimonies from some of the group. It was wonderful- I felt completely in my element. The Holy Spirit moves in magnificent ways when we make room for it to do so. :] I am so at peace, because God's love fulfills my every need over and over and over again. He is all-powerful, letting me know that I can do anything when He gives me strength to do so. Yay Jesus!!!
Yesterday I gave a speech to be class president next year in front of the whole school... very intimidating. I couldn't sleep very well the night before- I woke up four times! /: Right before it all started, three of my friends came up to me and prayed for peace on my mind. It sure worked, because when I was up on stage giving my speech and answering questions I wasn't scared, just a little jittery when answering questions that I didn't know were going to be asked of me. I'm giving this up to God- I don't know if I will get it or not, but He'll definitely use me one way or another next year. :]
I can feel God's blessing on me, that He's cheering me on saying, "You can do it!!" as I step out of my comfort zone and allow God to use me in areas I previously thought were not for me. I'm learning that I don't need to start a revival here on campus either; Jesus is living in me, and I am the revival whenever I spread His authority and joy over people I see in my daily life. He is filling me up and I'm so willing to pour out His Spirit to others who are thirsty. :]
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